Monday, February 17, 2014

Lambert puts Shelton on diet

Lambert puts Shelton on diet
Monday, February 17, 2014 15:00 IST

American country music artist Miranda Lambert has told singer-husband Blake Shelton to drop some weight soon.

Lambert lost 35 pounds (around 15 kg) in just three months, whittling herself down to 105 pounds (around 47 kg). And now she wants Shelton to follow her lead, reports

`Miranda is a one-woman diet police force,` said a source.

`Her confidence is soaring these days, and she told Blake he needs to shape up and drop the weight. She's not taking 'no' for an an�swer. She warned him that he was playing Russian roulette with his life by not dealing with his horri�ble eating and drinking habits and excess weight,` the source added.

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